Contact information

DongGuan MSA Intellingent Technology Co.,LTD
Contact: Mr. Cai
Contact: Mr. Zhang
Add:1st Floor, Yunding Technology Innovation Park, No. 22, Farm Industry Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City
Before the basic salary of employees is every 2 years up once, but now with the shortage of artificial difficulties, in order to factory production, only to come up with other manufacturers than the basic salary to attract recruitment. Now the situation is a year plus a basic salary, the factory is more than the advantage of overtime pay over basic basic salary. Take a headline news, a well-known domestic brands, in order to meet the production needs of artificial, recruit a large number of employees, but after the staff found that real wages and recruitment requirements at the time inconsistent, causing dissatisfaction, set the public smashed the factory. Leading to this 2-level differentiation of the helpless, either employees can not afford, or business support does not go. Imagine if the enterprise to replace most of the staff with automated machinery to replace it, this situation is not it will not happen. A machine can replace 2-3 employees, and the cost can be recovered within six months, easy to understand, but also 24 hours non-stop operation.